Haiku Fridays | Vol. 3 – Dreams
A monthly selection of six haiku poems, accompanied by a few highlights from the week
💡 If you fancy reading some (very amateur) seasonal poetry, this one’s for you!
This Week’s Haiku Poems
If you missed the first Haiku Friday, you can catch up on the reason why I’ve been writing these kind of poems by clicking here.
That article also explains how writing haiku poetry can be a beneficial exercise if you struggle with writer’s block, procrastination, or other similar challenges.
In short, I’ve found it to be a really useful warm-up to start my morning writing sessions and get some creativity flowing.
On that note, here’s this month’s set of Haiku Friday poems.
The theme this month is dreams.
On a dark, barren cliff
Four lights break the sky up ahead
And lightning cracks the earth
A thousand lost dreams
Each one a new beginning
But none of them real
Light invades the room
Everything becomes clear now
We do not belong
An upside-down sky
Bursting clouds breathe endlessly
Dream until you wake
Wait beneath the willow
Where falling stars turn the sea red
And you’ll be found again
Chirping birds wake us
Earlier than the sunrise
Or are we asleep?
You can also read last moth’s set of Haiku Friday poems here.
Writing Workshop Highlight of the Week
It’s an interesting article, mainly because the competition in question is such a great concept.
All the entrants were set a specific brief at random and then had to write their short story based on that brief.
The briefs included:
Your genre
A subject for your story
And a trait for one of your characters.
Being forced to write a short story based on a brief set for you was such a fun and valuable experience that I’ve now convinced my writing group to run a similar exercise over the summer.
Last night, in our weekly writing workshop, we put a selection of genres, subjects, and character traits into a hat and pulled them out at random.
We’ve each been assigned our briefs, and will all write short stories accordingly. And, of course, we’ll all provide feedback on each other’s stories as well in our workshops.
I thought I’d share the briefs here, because some of them are simply amazing:
I cannot wait to read some of these stories.
For any fiction writers who are part of a writing group, I’d highly recommend trying something similar. You can read more about how it works here.
I’ll be sure to share some useful insights and lessons from this group exercise in future articles, and I’ll share my story here when it’s written as well.
More importantly, I should finally be able to publish the story I wrote for the first round of that competition here next week, so keep an eye out for that.
This Week’s Sunset of the Week
The clocks have moved forward an hour, the evenings are lighter, and the sun’s setting later.
Great for our sanity, sure, but not so great for sunset photography within my current routine.
With that in mind, much like last week, it’s another sunset from the archives this week, from almost exactly two years ago.
Richmond Green, April 14, 2022.
I promise I’ll get out and capture at least one nice new sunset this weekend.
This Week’s Song-on-Repeat
Also similar to last week, we have yet another highly under-rated song from the 90s to look back on this week.